Marriage Information
A wedding service is a privilege of all members of this church in good standing. Non-members may be married upon approval of the Elders and will be encouraged to become members of Immanuel.
All those desiring to be married at Immanuel will meet with the Pastor and receive pre-marriage instruction/counseling prior to being married.
At no time will people of the same-sex be married at Immanuel or by a Pastor of this Church, here or at an outside location. Neither will any other clergy be allowed to perform same-sex marriages at this church.
By-Law V
Whereas Holy Scripture clearly forbids marriage between people of the same sex, Immanuel Lutheran Church, White Clay Lake, will not under any circumstances perform same-sex marriages at our church. Be it further resolved that our Pastor will not perform same-sex marriages at any other church of facility. Immanuel Lutheran Church will not allow any other Pastor to perform a same-sex wedding at our Church. (adopted 7-21-2013)
Wedding music must be Christ-centered and religious/sacred in nature, at the discretion of the Pastor. Other music is best reserved for the reception.
Guest Pastors may assist Immanuel’s Pastor but must be LCMS or AALC.
There is no charge for members to be married here, however, an honorarium is expected for the Pastor, Organist and Janitor. The same expectation is made for non-members after the marriage is approved by the Elders.
The use of the Fellowship Hall requires the consent of the President of the Ladies Aid. Name and phone number will be provided.